ベーシックとは違う、最旬としてのデニムを楽しみ尽くす Enjoy denim with something different from basic, something more trendy.
CLUSH DENIM 濃紺の時代が続いたが、ここへ来てハードなダメージデニムが一気に再燃。もちろんHYSTERIC GLAMOURの得意分野だけに、迫力のデザインが揃っている。メンズのオススメは、やや生地のオンスを落とし、風合い柔らかに仕上げた一本。色落ちやシミ、クラッシュ&リペア、多種多様なステッチを織り交ぜたカスタムは、もはやアートの粋と自負。対するウィメンズでは、腰回りに余裕があり、膝下を絞ったアンクル丈を提案。メンズモノをリメイクしたようなこちらは、破れから覗くHYSTERICガールの当て布が、さり気なくも個性をアピールする。
Denim is one of basic items for all time, but it seems like there is a big trend movement of denim that over wraps its standard position. It is up to you to pick denim trend in jacket or pants, but better prepare for the movement!
CLUSH DENIM Instead of recent standard navy blue denim, a hard and damaged denim is now on trend. No need to say, but hard and rock style is one of our field of expertise that we have lined up ag-gressive design for this collection. For mens recommendation, we would pick up light and soft texture denim with full customize of damage and repair process. We can call them as “art piece” instead of item. On the other hand, we recommend relaxing waist fitting denim for women’s collection. It has an image of remaking mens collection with damage process and unique design by using iconic HYSTERIC girl as patchwork