SPECIAL PICK UPS  feature  “High-performance Materials” 

SPECIAL PICK UPS feature “High-performance Materials” 

【Material 03】 Cool Dots Tricot

Lightweight and hard to steam, we have produced comfortable new jersey!

“Cool Dots” is another high performance material produced by Japanese manufacture “KOMATSU SEIREN Co. Ltd” with a function of reducing unpleasant steam and moisture, thin and lightweight material, high spec in dry and stretchability, easy to take care and preventing from being wrinkle. Similar to “Dot Air,” it is a fabric with fine vent hole formed on the entire surface. Above all, HYSTERIC GLAMOUR has picked up “Cool Dots Tricot” which is a new form of “Cool Dots” developed into knit material. Utilizing this high performance jersey like textile, we have prepared old school track jacket and track pants, which can be worn individually and also as setup style. Adding to its comfortable fitting, it’s easy to coordinate with various item is another attracting point for this items. Cool Dots Tricot Items