’90年代に流行したデニムの色味&素材感を再現しながら、ストレッチを効かせて穿き心地をUP。さらにフロント全面には、あの頃に話題をさらった往年のパロディロゴをプリント。<br><br>Reproducing the color and material look of denim in ’90s, HYSTERIC GLAMOUR has updated the pants for better fitting. Moreover, a famous parody logo is printed in front as accent.


Reproducing the color and material look of denim in ’90s, HYSTERIC GLAMOUR has updated the pants for better fitting. Moreover, a famous parody logo is printed in front as accent.

■DENIM SKIRT / 01173AK08 / ¥26,000 / INDIGO      ■DENIM PANTS / 01173AP19 / ¥28,000 / INDIGO