ボロボロこそ美しい! 温故知新を体現した珠玉のデニム
オールド&モダン、地道な手間暇と最新鋭の技術……HYSTERIC GLAMOURのモノ作りは、その一本に集約されている。ヴィンテージの味わいと現代のファッションが巧みに交差する、素晴らしきデニムの世界へようこそ。
Old and modern, craftsmanship and innovation, a process of making real denim is what HYSTERIC GLAMOUR is focusing on! Welcome to the world of authentic denim we create with a passion of craftsmanship and innovation!
Keeping the hygienic aspect of denim material, it is arranged in vintage process to express the reality. With aggressive crush, patchwork arrangement and removing the stitching on bottom of pants, it appeals well-worn denim pants from the beginning. However, once you put it on, you will be surprised the gap between how it looks and how it feels. In spite of vintage denim pants look, it expresses beautiful leg line from its skinny silhouette. Also, it is arranged as 8/10 length that it matches with upcoming season with sneaker, hi-heel, and sandal. Furthermore, even it is arranged in skinny silhouette, the denim texture is made of extraordinary stretch material that there is no stress while bending knees. So let’s go out with your new partner with favorite tops and sneakers!