ボロボロこそ美しい! 温故知新を体現した珠玉のデニム
オールド&モダン、地道な手間暇と最新鋭の技術……HYSTERIC GLAMOURのモノ作りは、その一本に集約されている。ヴィンテージの味わいと現代のファッションが巧みに交差する、素晴らしきデニムの世界へようこそ。
Old and modern, craftsmanship and innovation, a process of making real denim is what HYSTERIC GLAMOUR is focusing on! Welcome to the world of authentic denim we create with a passion of craftsmanship and innovation!
Denim from the factory in making the best selvage denim throughout the world, Ihara in Okayama prefecture introduce its original denim pants from long years of research and development. Keeping the authenticity of denim making process developed in the past, it is treating fluff to maintain the smoothness and soft fitting. Also, the pants are arranged in slim straight silhouette that it matches with city style. Overall, the best part is its aggressive vintage process. The arrangement of slightly washed and hard crush designed on thigh to knee and hip with repaired after work gives wild manlike impression. And zigzag stitch works on pants give extra spice in original design. This special remake denim pants is one and only pants that can express the craftsmanship and innovation of Japan made quality.